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Motorcycle Unit

Manchester by-the-Sea motorcycle

The Manchester-by-the-Sea Police Department has a long history regarding the use of motorcycles on patrol. In 1916, the department acquired its first of motorcycle. Patrolman “Jack” Connors later became known as one of the ten toughest motorcycle cops in the United States, as reported by a nationally published magazine. As legend would have it, Jack even refused to let a U.S. ambassador off the hook when his limousine failed to come to a full and complete stop in the town square.

Things have changed a bit since then, and the department has grown to recognize that having this piece of equipment has proven itself not only to be effective towards traffic enforcement, but also to be a valuable community policing/public relations tool.

The department currently utilizes a 2017 BMW Police Motorcycle. This motorcycle is deployed not only for patrol during the warmer months, but is also routinely used during special town events, parades, charity rides, and to provide other escorts. It is also a big hit during community events such as touch-a-truck, where several young residents love to have a seat on it and pretend to be on patrol. Sgt. Louf graduated in 2011 from the advanced police motorcycle training program, hosted by Seacoast Harley Davison, and is currently the officer who is trained to operate the motorcycle for these events. The department is looking to grow this position and offer the training to other officers who have interest in the unit.